Make Fast and Permanent Shifts Towards Peace and Ease.

Unblock the Limited Version of Yourself to Gain Clarity on Next Right Steps Forward.

Gain Simple Alignment Tools to Create Loving Relationships and a Limitless Dream Life.

Your frozen nervous system shouldn’t stop you from creating the life you want

The majority of traditional teachings and modalities will never provide lasting results because they aren’t deep enough and are focused on problem solving, which will only manifest more problems… 

There is a better way...

Miracle Maker Process

Using Miracle Healing and Movement Feedback

Spiritual Alignment

Tap into your innate superpowers and infinite intelligence within (no more struggling and striving).

Body Alignment

Remove repressed emotions, unhealthy energy ties and any and all patterns that are holding you back.

Mind Alignment

Learn to remain open and receptive during emotional turmoil in order to manifest your dream life.


Are you ready to become a Miracle Maker and experience an abundantly happy life with ease?


You have done so many programs that didn't work.

Why will Miracle Maker work for you?

Chiropractor of the Nervous System to help you release repressed emotions and unblock limitations to move forward quickly. Via Zoom.

Provide points of reference for you to quickly tap into superpowers within to gain clarity and start experiencing miracles daily.

Teach you self-command using your adult sage mind often instead of the child-like reactive mind, easily through your body and senses.

Walk you through the eye of the needle to become acceptance so you start to be in the flow of life and manifest your dreams.

Unique approach for you to regain your superpowers.


Everything you need to handle emotions with increasing ease and become open and receptive to love and miracles daily

Miracles daily can be that emotional challenges pass quickly, things simply work out, interactions become easy, opportunities come out of the blue, or you are in the flow of work and life.

Miracle Maker
Digital Course

Access over 20 modules for spirit, body and mind alignment and Quantum Leaps to a life with ease.

Movement Feedback
Group Classes

Access 8 Movement classes to receive feedback on your stuck energetic patterns and connect to the Quantum Field.


1:1 Support and Remote Healing Sessions

Access to Voxer, 4 private sessions and remote healing designed to set yourself free from stuck emotions for good.

Mostly 1:1 and on your own, except 1 small-group Movement Feedback class per week out of 4 available times.

Limited-time special offer: 4 months to finish the program with unlimited 1:1 support and remote healing.



Spiritual Alignment


Body Alignment


Mind Alignment


Before: Miserable, tired, lack of willpower to do things, unhappy. 4 weeks.

After: Joyful, happy, willpower to do things.

Before: Anxiety at 10, perfectionist, and difficulties.

After: Anxiety at 1, ease, and flow. 2 months

Before: Anxious, stressed, struggled.

After: Relaxed, free to be herself, manifest miracles. 2 weeks.

Before: Nervous system frozen. Traumas. In head overthinking. 

After: Happy. Taking action.

Before: Lack of clarity, in her head overthinking

After: Clarity, grounded in her body.

Before: Done lots of program without real results. Mental chatter.

After: True shifts. Ground in body. Difficult relationship shifted.

Before: Anger, difficulties, resistance to being alone.

After: Super happy with a loving life partner.

Before: Feeling stuck and having pain & constant breakdowns in her life.

After: Started to live her dream life with many amazing things happening.

Before: Stuck in his head, blocks, and forcing himself to do things.

After: Being in his body. Taking risk with ease. People treat him very differently, responding to his amazing new energy.

Before: Avoidance, blocks, not harmonious

After: Happy, content, peace of mind.

Before: In his head, difficulties, financial blocks

After: Moved to Cancun, in just 9 days had best monthly sales in 3 years.

Before: Blocks, being stuck, repressed emotions.

After: Handling emotions much better. Peace. Kids have healed with her.

Before: Dark depressive state, worry a lot, insomnia

After: Peace of mind, sleep well.

From being in deep grief, being in her head.

To freeing from grief, experiencing joy and ease.

Before: Being stuck and lack.

After: Moving forward and business picking up.

Before: 13 years of trying healing and coaching for binge eating. Emotional low.

After: Free from binge eating and happy

Before: Beating himself up trying to be kind to himself. Overthinking

After: Stop overthinking. Present and grounded in body. Peace.

Before: Self doubt, constantly doing programs.

After: Connect to her powers. Land opportunities.

You choose to pay the cost of time or money.







And just so we're clear...
(Because I don't believe in wasting time)

You're in the right place if:

You're in the wrong place if:

Why is Miracle Maker Above & Beyond and Different?

Extremely Deep

One-of-a-kind Miracle Healing is deeper than 99% of other healing modalities. One session can be equivalent to 25 years of healing you have done. It will help you disconnect unhealthy energetic ties with others to transform your relationships and heal deep traumas and reset your nervous system so you can start having ease in the area you have struggled with for a long time.


Movement Feedback is a unique modality to help you release stuck energy and unconscious limiting patterns holding you back, shift out of overthinking causing emotional struggles, and ground your body to harness your superpowers within. It’s a  quick way to connect to the Quantum Field to empower your manifestations without hours of meditation.


Lasting Changes

Two simple Mind/Body/Spirit alignment tools to use for life to handle emotions with ease and activate self-command so you can respond differently in the moment of challenges. They help you retrain your subconscious mind and build the muscles to easily make choices from moment to moment so that you can create loving relationships and a limitless dream life.

It's the program you have been searching for all this time.

Joining The Miracle Maker Is Easy

The hope and possibility of quick transformations await you. Our 8-weeks together will include: 

Limited-time special offer: 4 months to finish the program with unlimited 1:1 support and remote healing.

Special Bonuses

When you join Miracle Maker!


Superpower Your Abundance

The map to ease and abundance through Quantum Manifestation ($1,200 Value)


Money is Love

Insights and master resets to help you gain more from Movement Feedback classes. ($1,200 Value)

Miracle Maker: Last transformational program you'll ever need!

Urgent if you don't want the results you are getting.

I know what it’s like to struggle with nervous system freeze

I am Dr. Joan Yue. Most people know me as the Chemist turned Miracle Healer. Many people don’t believe in miracles until they meet me.


I help those who are ready to harness superpowers within to reset the nervous system, shift out of overthinking, and live a limitless dream with peace and ease, through Mind/Body/Spirit alignment.


They hire me as the chiropractor of the nervous system, to help them unfreeze and move forward towards the biggest dream they have desired for years. In addition, I teach two simple alignment tools for them to use for life to handle emotions with ease and master self-command so that they can create loving relationships and a limitless dream life.


What you may not know about me is: When I was a high-powered executive at a multinational corporation, I only valued numbers, formulas, and charts. I had no interest in anything spiritual.


But deep down, I was haunted by childhood trauma, and the stress of my career and motherhood overwhelmed me emotionally. I was disconnected from my family, and my anxiety was through the roof. I was often distracted when my kids talked to me and said “OK. OK.” even though I didn’t really hear what they said.


I did my best to repress and ignore emotions by constantly overthinking and achieving more until my nervous system shut me down. Things got so bad that one day I checked into the ER thinking that I was having a heart attack.


Thankfully, it was just a panic attack. That incident got me to seek an immediate change in my life. A complete change.

I started reading all kinds of self-improvement books. Still, I felt stuck and didn’t know why. I left my corporate executive job to spend years searching for the secrets of life and the best-of-the-best transformational tools.


Yet I didn’t experience permanent shifts until I miraculously stumbled on my late mentor Dr. Karl Wolfe, who taught me Movement Feedback. It helped me get grounded in my body to eliminate anxiety, break free from self-sabotaging patterns to get unstuck, and tap into my superpowers within to make my life easy. 


By connecting deeply into my body, I felt a sense of deep peace, much like sinking into the ocean where the waves on top no longer bothered me. It also helped me stop my constant overthinking which created a lot of self-doubt and indecision. My confidence skyrocketed.


By receiving feedback on unconscious patterns revealed in my movements, I let go of what was holding me back but I wasn’t even aware of it. It enabled me to move forward quickly. 


The lesson I learned was that by deeply connecting to my body through Movement Feedback, I could connect to Spirit (Infinite love or higher self) to experience miracles daily. The miracles could be things simply working out, interactions becoming easy, or income arriving out of the blue.


The deep connection enabled me to tap into my gut instinct, and I gained so much clarity and guidance on my next steps when starting my coaching business and during difficult times.


Mind/Body/Spirit alignment was a game changer for me! I went from being highly anxious, emotionally overwhelmed, constantly overthinking, and filled with PTSD symptoms to being happy for no reason and living in abundance, freedom, and ease. I have changed hundreds of clients’ lives too.

Movement Feedback helped me become one of the elite few in the world who can deeply and quickly connect clients into the Quantum Field. I also developed a one-of-a-kind modality to release extremely deeply repressed emotions and reset the nervous system for myself and many others.


Many clients reported Miracle Healing of releasing years of stuck emotions or long-term stress-related symptoms that were holding them back, within just one session.

This is why I do what I do!


It is because too many people overthink, causing them to be stressed, anxious, or overwhelmed. Their constant striving and achieving often lead to nervous system freeze, which disconnects them from superpowers within hence not creating the life they’ve always wanted.


I help them quickly reset their nervous system, move past overthinking, and and lead a life of peace, ease, and clarity.


So they can reach their full potential and create their dream life experiences with peace and ease!

Here are 5 Reasons to work with me!

  • Very deep Miracle Healing to reset your nervous system, way deeper than what you have done, so that you can make permanent and truly transformational shifts quickly.
  • Unblock the unconscious limiting patterns holding you back, to enable you to make complete transformations.
  • Channel information for you to gain clarity on your next right steps for the important area that you feel stuck in.
  • Provide points of reference for you to quickly tap into superpowers within by grounding in your body and teach you to master self-command by connecting to your senses, so that you can make your dreams a reality.
  • Walk you through the eye of the needle to become acceptance so that you can handle emotions with ease and be in the flow of your work and life.

You've got Q's? We've got A's.

Any time. You get to schedule 1:1s and group classes on your schedule and watch the digital courses when you have time.

2-3 hours a week of course work and 1/2 hour of intentionally practicing using the tools each day.

No. It’s not talk therapy. I can feel and release your feelings and emotional imprinting from past traumas without you telling me. A one-hour 1:1 session is equivalent to many years of talk therapy.

Yes. This work is way deeper to release your repressed emotions and blocks. Miracle Maker Program teaches you to rewire your brain and nervous system to make permanent changes for total happiness.

No. I have worked with clients all over the world via Zoom, making equally profound shifts through the power of the Quantum Field.

Yes. It is all about releasing trauma off the body and connecting into your body. You can see your true power as your higher self or the Universe.

No, it works with clients of all faiths. It is about connecting deeper into your body. It gives you deeper access to your divine nature however you relate to it.

No. My Miracle healing is one-of-a-kind and deeper than 99% of other modalities. It is also done-for-you so you don’t need to rehash your past traumas.

Yes. I release the intense emotions causing you to be anxious or emotional. You also learn simple tools to use for life to rewire yourself for emotional ease and total happiness.

It is an easy and done-for-you process. I feel your repressed emotions through the Quantum Field so physical distance is not an issue. I often rub my chest physically to process and release your deep emotions.

Yes. I help you release blocked energy regarding money from your conditioning and your lineage too. You also learn manifestation secrets and have tools to practice receiving.

Body is the unconscious mind. Your body automates your reactive thinking loops without you being aware of it. By grounding in your body, you stop 80% of overthinking.

You get to dance or move to music on Zoom. Then I will give you feedback on the patterns that hold you back and show you how to release them.

I deliver feedback from love to help you move out of stuck patterns. The group classes are held in a loving and supportive environment with like-minded people.

80% of your brain’s function is for movement and senses. By connecting to your senses, you engage more advanced adult sage mind instead of falling victim to your child-like reactive mind. Hence, you have more self-command.

By watching the Q/A sessions on how to be unstuck on a variety of issues, you receive the reference points and gain insights to become unstuck in your own stuck areas.

2023 Love Hz Consulting, LLC – All rights reserved